A Buddhist denounces the word “Buddhism”

I found this really insightful!

power of language blog: partnering with reality by JR Fibonacci

This dialogue references the previous blog (For Those with the Eyes to See), but is independently coherent and useful. In regard to the title of this blog, I am saying now that I am just like my correspondent (a Buddhist), and also saying that there is no such thing as Buddhism.

So, I am being playful and dramatic. Read below to “get the joke.” (By the way, not only am I a Buddhist, but many other words as well!)


I am a Buddhist, and do not believe in ‘God’ or a ‘soul.’ Nonetheless, I was shocked by the text from the Aramaic Bible, which you quoted in your post, namely:

“For those with perception as it should be, everything is as it should be. For those with perception as it should not be, everything is as it should not be.”

The purpose of the first step…

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